
Hobart, Tasmania is a city with a long and proud history of fight training gyms. Whilst there is not a large number of Hobart Fight Gyms, there is still a choice available. All styles are covered and there are highly experienced trainers coaching in the region.

Finding a place to train at Fight.com.au is easy. You can browse, or narrow down the options by style and location. There is a search and a geolocation map feature to find what's close to you.

Each fight gym has it's own profile where you can check out what is on offer. Trainer details, contacts, sessions available and times. Anyone is welcome to add a gym to Fight.com.au and help get the word out.

There are reviews for the clubs so add your own thoughts if you've trained in one or more. You can also read the thoughts of others to give you a better overall picture.

Hobart Fight Gyms

Upcoming Fight Events

Keep up to date in 2020 with the Fight Calendar. You find events near you including MMA, Muay Thai, Boxing, K1 and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Shows, Tournaments and Seminars.

Fight Gyms around the country have started training again!

Stay informed and up to date with measures being taken by following your gym on social media. Some are introducing online training, others are looking at outdoor training with appropriate spacing, a few are offering personal training outside the gym. Please support your trainers in any way you can during this time. Stay strong, stay safe.

Local Training Gyms

All the hard work begins at your local gym. Find places to train in Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Muay Thai and BJJ near you.